  • Database \u2013 database functions using Microsoft Access; creating and modifying a database; sorting, indexing, and querying a database; using a database to print labels and simple reports and to create complex queries and reports
  • \n
  • Spreadsheet I \u2013 spreadsheet terminology, concepts, commands, functions and capabilities of Microsoft Excel; creating professional, attractive, multi-tabbed workbooks that include formulas and graphics
  • \n
  • Spreadsheet II \u2013 creating professional, attractive, multi-tabbed workbooks that include formulas, charts, graphics, maps, and macros; managing spreadsheet templates; combining multiple worksheets and workbooks; working with data tables, queries, and pivot tables
  • \n
  • Desktop Publishing \u2013 introduction to desktop publishing software; planning, designing, and producing business-quality publications such as web pages, letterhead, flyers, brochures, forms, and newsletters
  • \n
  • Keyboarding \u2013 keyboarding technique, accuracy, and speed; touch typing accurately to a minimum of 40 net words per minute
  • \n
  • Word Processing I \u2013 students key, format, proof, and edit business documents from text and speech
  • \n
  • Word Processing II \u2013 producing, editing, revising, formatting, organizing, and transmitting professional documents; identifying, setting up, and operating transcription equipment to transcribe business documents
  • \n
  • Administrative Assistant Simulation \u2013 students apply their knowledge and skills in word processing, spreadsheet, database, desktop publishing, and presentation software by completing a variety of administrative assisting projects; projects are designed to allow students to develop and demonstrate decision-making, prioritizing, and other administrative skills
  • \n
  • Self-Management Skills \u2013 stress management, interpersonal relationships and teamwork, leadership skills, problem solving, and conflict resolution
  • \n
  • Job Search Techniques \u2013 matching skills and abilities with employer needs; students will complete pre-employment skills inventories, asses and access job markets, prepare a professional resume, write employment correspondence, and practice employment interview techniques
  • \n
  • Office Practicum \u2013 a three to four week practicum, in a business office, applying acquired knowledge and skills and assisting with the business\u2019s day-to-day operations
  • \n", "display_order": 2, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:16.547668-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-02-23T13:22:37.860531-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 1436, "page": 1, "title": "Degrees Similar to Administrative Assisting", "summary_markdown": "**[Business Administration](/degrees/business-administration-degree/)** \r\nBusiness administration includes overseeing finances, staffing, and contract negotiations. A business administration degree program, therefore, teaches students how to plan, organize, and direct all the activities of an organization. \r\n\r\n**[Clinical Medical Assisting](/degrees/clinical-medical-assisting-degree/)** \r\nThis degree program prepares students to work as assistants to medical doctors. The typical curriculum covers medical terminology, medical office administration, insurance, and medical software. As the role of medical assistant may involve some basic clinical tasks, students also learn the fundamentals of human disease, disease diagnosis, and medications. \r\n\r\n**[Dental Assisting](/degrees/dental-assisting-degree/)** \r\nDental assisting education programs teach the clinical and administrative components of working as a dental assistant. Students learn in classroom, laboratory, and real-world settings. Those who wish to work in a specialized area of dentistry, such as pediatric or orthodontic care, can often focus on it during the practicum portion of their training. \r\n\r\n**[Desktop and Web Publishing](/degrees/desktop-and-web-publishing-degree/)** \r\nPrograms in desktop and web publishing teach the design and layout of printed and digital documents. Coursework includes web design, multimedia design, writing, and editing.", "content_markdown": "**[Human Resources Management](/degrees/human-resources-management-degree/)** \r\nDegree programs in human resources management teach students how to plan and coordinate an organization\u2019s workforce. Courses cover recruitment, interview, selection, and hiring processes; management of workplace health and safety, payroll, training, and employee benefit programs; and dispute mediation, disciplinary actions, and dismissal procedures. \r\n\r\n**[Legal Administration](/degrees/legal-administration-degree/)** \r\nEducation programs in legal administration train students in law office procedures. Coursework includes legal terminology, documentation, bookkeeping, client billing, and software applications in the areas of wills and estates, family law, litigation, and corporate law. \r\n\r\n**[Paralegal](/degrees/paralegal-degree/)** \r\nParalegal studies prepare students to perform delegated legal work under the supervision of a lawyer or a court. The curriculum covers legal terminology and documentation, legal research, legal record keeping, investigations, court procedures, and applicable technology. Many training programs also incorporate an internship with a private law firm, a corporate legal department, the office of a public defender or attorney general, a government agency, or a legal aid organization.", "content_html": "

    Human Resources Management
    \nDegree programs in human resources management teach students how to plan and coordinate an organization\u2019s workforce. Courses cover recruitment, interview, selection, and hiring processes; management of workplace health and safety, payroll, training, and employee benefit programs; and dispute mediation, disciplinary actions, and dismissal procedures.


    Legal Administration
    \nEducation programs in legal administration train students in law office procedures. Coursework includes legal terminology, documentation, bookkeeping, client billing, and software applications in the areas of wills and estates, family law, litigation, and corporate law.


    \nParalegal studies prepare students to perform delegated legal work under the supervision of a lawyer or a court. The curriculum covers legal terminology and documentation, legal research, legal record keeping, investigations, court procedures, and applicable technology. Many training programs also incorporate an internship with a private law firm, a corporate legal department, the office of a public defender or attorney general, a government agency, or a legal aid organization.

    ", "display_order": 3, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:16.548760-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-02-23T13:29:15.933906-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 1436, "page": 1, "title": "Skills You’ll Learn", "summary_markdown": "**Attention to Detail** \r\nFor administrative assistants, attention to detail is paramount. There is no room for error in communication and recordkeeping. \r\n\r\n**Bookkeeping and Scheduling** \r\nThe administrative assistant is typically the chief bookkeeper and scheduler in an office. \r\n\r\n**Communication and Teamwork** \r\nAdministrative assistants must frequently interact with supervisors and managers, as well as clients and customers. \r\n\r\n**Multitasking / Time Management** \r\nOffices are busy places that rely on accomplished administrators who can juggle multiple tasks. \r\n\r\n**Organization** \r\nBusinesses generate vast amounts of documents and data. Much of this information must be organized and managed by the administrative staff. \r\n\r\n**Technology / Office Applications** \r\nThe technology skills required in an administrative role are wide-ranging. They include word processing, spreadsheets, telecommunications, databases, and scheduling software. \r\n\r\n**Writing** \r\nClear and concise writing is integral to the administration role.", "content_markdown": "", "content_html": "

    Attention to Detail
    \nFor administrative assistants, attention to detail is paramount. There is no room for error in communication and recordkeeping.


    Bookkeeping and Scheduling
    \nThe administrative assistant is typically the chief bookkeeper and scheduler in an office.


    Communication and Teamwork
    \nAdministrative assistants must frequently interact with supervisors and managers, as well as clients and customers.


    Multitasking / Time Management
    \nOffices are busy places that rely on accomplished administrators who can juggle multiple tasks.


    \nBusinesses generate vast amounts of documents and data. Much of this information must be organized and managed by the administrative staff.


    Technology / Office Applications
    \nThe technology skills required in an administrative role are wide-ranging. They include word processing, spreadsheets, telecommunications, databases, and scheduling software.


    \nClear and concise writing is integral to the administration role.

    ", "display_order": 4, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:16.549832-07:00", "updated_at": "2021-11-18T13:55:45.992828-08:00"}, {"degree_id": 1436, "page": 1, "title": "What Can You Do with an Administrative Assisting Degree?", "summary_markdown": "Administrative assisting is not industry-specific. Administrative assistants are needed in every kind of business. One of the greatest benefits of this is that those who enter the field can look for jobs in sectors that genuinely interest them. For instance, someone with a love of culture and the performing arts could seek out an administrative assistant role with a theater company, a symphony orchestra, or a music production company. An administrative assistant who is a dedicated traveler might end up working for an airline or cruise line. Another possibility is working as a personal assistant.", "content_markdown": "Here is a list of some of the sectors in which administrative assistants are employed: \r\n\r\n- Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations \r\n- Aerospace \r\n- Agriculture \r\n- Banking and Finance \r\n- Charity, Not-for-Profit, and NGOs \r\n- Chemical \r\n- Computer \r\n- Construction \r\n- Culture, Music, and the Performing Arts \r\n- Education \r\n- Energy and Utilities \r\n- Entertainment \r\n- Environment, Agriculture, and Conservation \r\n- Food \r\n- Healthcare \r\n- Hospitality and Tourism \r\n- Information \r\n- Management Consulting and Business \r\n- Manufacturing and Production \r\n- Media / Mass Media \r\n- Mining \r\n- Public Sector and Defense \r\n- Recruitment and Human Resources \r\n- Retails and Sales \r\n- Telecommunications \r\n- Transportation", "content_html": "

    Here is a list of some of the sectors in which administrative assistants are employed:

    \n", "display_order": 5, "created_at": "2019-10-01T11:36:16.550890-07:00", "updated_at": "2022-02-23T13:30:46.694390-08:00"}], "degree_specializations": []}">









    • 沟通——识别和识别词性,应用语法和标点规则,理解和使用商务词汇,总结书面材料
    • 信件写作——有效商务写作的基础;写清楚简明的书信的;学生撰写备忘录、电子邮件、信件、报告和提案,针对不同的受众和情况
    • 商业和数学计算器-数字读写和触摸控制的电子计算器
    • 组织软件-如何使用Microsoft Outlook的功能和特殊功能,并在完成实际任务时应用解决问题的技巧
    • 档案管理-介绍字母、主题、地理、数字和电子档案系统;记录管理程序、术语、用品和设备
    • 办公程序——如何处理商务电话、邮政和航运系统;完整的商业表格;有效管理工作、时间和资源;做好前台接待工作;准备并记录商务会议;安排好旅行
    • 会计——应用基本的权责发生制会计理论来分析和记录商业交易;记录和发布业务交易;编制服务业务试算表、利润表、资产负债表;核对银行账户;管理零用现金
    • 工资会计-计算收入,计算扣除,记录和维护工资记录,支付现金支付;记录工资单条目,发放付款,管理工资单福利,并向政府机构报告
    • 会计软件-创建公司文件,记录应收账款,工资,库存和工作成本分类账的交易;使用电算化会计程序打印月末报表
    • 演示图形——创建幻灯片演示,并使用图形、表格、嵌入的视觉效果、构建和过渡进行增强;如何计划和组织演示内容,评估内容,并设计一个有效的幻灯片
    • 计算机基本知识与互联网-计算机术语;合乎道德的商业使用社交媒体;在网络或云环境中管理电子文件;浏览互联网和在商业办公室进行必要的研究;使用在线工具进行沟通;介绍一个在线学习管理系统
    • 数据库-使用Microsoft Access的数据库功能;创建和修改数据库;排序、索引和查询数据库;使用数据库打印标签和简单报告,并创建复杂的查询和报告
    • 电子表格I -电子表格术语、概念、命令、功能和Microsoft Excel的功能;创建专业的,有吸引力的,多选项卡的工作簿,包括公式和图形
    • 电子表格II -创建专业的、有吸引力的、多选项卡的工作簿,包括公式、图表、图形、地图和宏;管理电子表格模板;组合多个工作表和工作簿;使用数据表、查询和透视表
    • 桌面出版-桌面出版软件介绍;计划、设计和制作商业质量的出版物,如网页、信纸、传单、小册子、表格和通讯
    • 键盘输入——键盘输入技术、准确性和速度;触摸打字准确到每分钟至少40个净字
    • 字处理I -学生键,格式,证明,并编辑商业文件从文本和语音
    • 文字处理II -制作、编辑、修改、格式化、组织和传输专业文件;识别、设置和操作抄写设备,抄写商务文件
    • 行政助理模拟-学生运用他们在文字处理、电子表格、数据库、桌面出版和演示软件方面的知识和技能,完成各种行政协助项目;项目旨在让学生发展和展示决策、优先次序和其他管理技能
    • 自我管理技能-压力管理、人际关系和团队合作、领导技能、解决问题和解决冲突
    • 求职技巧——将技能和能力与雇主的需求相匹配;学生将完成就业前技能清单、评估和进入就业市场、准备专业简历、撰写求职信函并练习就业面试技巧
    • 办公室实习-一个三到四周的实习,在一个商业办公室,应用所学的知识和技能,并协助业务的日常运作




















    • 广告,市场营销和公共关系
    • 航空航天
    • 农业
    • 银行与金融
    • 慈善、非盈利和非政府组织
    • 化学
    • 电脑
    • 建设
    • 文化、音乐和表演艺术
    • 教育
    • 能源及公用事业
    • 娱乐
    • 环境、农业和环境保护
    • 食物
    • 医疗保健
    • 酒店及旅游业
    • 信息
    • 管理咨询与商业
    • 制造及生产
    • 传媒/大众传媒
    • 矿业
    • 公共部门和国防
    • 招聘及人力资源
    • 零售及销售
    • 电信
    • 运输


