



According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), ‘most roles, no matter how minor, have many actors auditioning for them.’ Job growth in the motion picture segment of the industry is forecasted to be fairly good for new movie and television shows, particularly as competition in this sector heightens and as traditional networks and internet streaming services compete for viewers’ attention and loyalty. Theatre actors are expected to see fewer opportunities in their field, as smaller theatres encounter difficulty securing funding and potentially reduce performances. Mobile and web productions may provide new acting opportunities, but the impact of these new delivery methods is relatively unknown.




状态名称 雇用的演员
加利福尼亚 13,000
纽约 6,610
伊利诺伊州 2,040
乔治亚州 2,010
德克萨斯州 1,720
宾夕法尼亚州 1,550
密苏里州 1,300
马萨诸塞州 1,060
马里兰州 850
亚利桑那 800
弗吉尼亚 710
犹他州 710
佛罗里达 680
康涅狄格州 680
俄亥俄州 620
华盛顿 560
密歇根州 350
田纳西州 340
北卡罗来纳 340
科罗拉多州 320
哥伦比亚特区 260
明尼苏达州 210
印第安纳州 210
威斯康星州 210
南卡罗来纳 200
俄勒冈州 180
内华达州 180
夏威夷 160
新罕布什尔 80
波多黎各 50
阿拉斯加州 40