Morningside College.

Morningside College

Sioux City, IA4 year degree
Acceptance rate


  • Offers bachelor's, and master's degrees
  • 1,270 students
  • 0.35 faculty staff per student
  • Campus housing available

Notable programs at Morningside College

Fine Arts
Most popular degree

The most popular degrees areFine Arts,Biology,Accounting,Management Information Systems,Mass Communication and Media Studies,Advertising,Mathematics, andElementary Education.

Acceptance Rates

Acceptance Rate in 2017
Avg年代AT Scores in 2017

2,540 students out of 4,603 applicants were accepted into Morningside College. They had an average SAT score of 1125.

Tuition and costs

Undergraduate tuition (2017)

In 2017, the cost of tuition at Morningside College was $30,490.After taking into account the costs of books and supplies, room and board, and general living expenses, the average cost for students was $44,434.

Financial aid available at Morningside College

Of undergrads receive grants
Of undergrads receive federal loans

96% of undergraduate students at Morningside College received grants or loans in 2017.

The average award discount is the ratio between the average grant or scholarship value, and the cost, which is the sum of tuition, room, board, book, supplies, and other living expenses.

Average student living expenses at Morningside College

Room & board
Books & supplies

The average yearly cost of room and board at Morningside College was of $9,390 in 2017.During the same period, the average yearly cost of books and supplies was $1,339.

Diversity at Morningside College

Ethnic Mix, 2017

Student Gender Mix, 2017